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Your innovation partner

Designing and manufacturing innovative systems that provide added value, guaranteeing a sustainable future.

We are ABN


To be a leader in the development of the most innovative thermoplastic compounds and piping systems on the market designed for a circular economy.


  • That our clients and partners consider us as their allies to satisfy their needs.
  • To develop innovative systems that add value, ensure a sustainable future and contribute to a circular economy.
  • To integrate a team of highly motivated people oriented towards continuous improvement.


Production and storage area


Production capacity




Staff and partners

More than 30 years of experience

Since 1988 ABN has placed as a solid and socially responsible company with a strong future prospect.


Inicio de actividad a nivel regional

ABN inicia su actividad como distribuidor de material para edificación, obra civil e industria en la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia.


Introducción del PPR

Durante esta década ABN introduce en el mercado regional el PPR, gran desconocido entre los profesionales de las instalaciones, consiguiendo un importante nicho en el mercado.


Distribución nacional

ABN comienza la distribución nacional de los sistemas de tuberías de ppr y configura una red comercial que opera en toda la península, filmando proyectos de referencia.


Inicio obras

ABN inicia las obras de construcción de una planta de producción de sistemas de tuberías en materiales termoplásticos en Medina del Campo.


Inicio comercialización

Tras la fase de pruebas de fabricación, ABN inicia la comercialización de sus soluciones en PPR y PE-RC.


1º Plan de I+D+i

La investigación y desarrollo de nuevos productos ha sido siempre el eje central de la estrategia de la empresa.


2º Plan de I+D+i

ABN apuesta por el desarrollo de las soluciones más innovadores, eficientes y sostenibles del mercado.


Fabricación Sostenible

ABN pone el foco en una visión sostenible y certifica desde el punto de vista medioambiental tanto la organización como sus gamas de producto principales.



ABN Environmental Policy

ABN’s environmental strategy establishes a commitment to sustainable development and long-term value creation as principles of its core business.

Health and safety at work

In ABN, we are committed to providing safe working conditions, preventing occupational hazards as a priority objective, and complying with all relevant legal regulations.

Cradle to Cradle (C2C) certification

Cradle to Cradle Certification (C2C) is a comprehensive solution to assess, optimise and verify all aspects of product design and manufacturing by evaluating product safety, circularity and responsibility in five categories.

Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

ABN’s main product families have an ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT DECLARATION (EPD) that provides environmental life cycle data for our systems.

Ecovadis gold level

It is a seal that qualifies the level of sustainability of companies, including the impacts we emit as an organisation in different areas.



ABN Pipe Systems has state-of-the-art technology at European level:

  • State-of-the-art extruders for the production of pipes up to 5 layers and up to 500 mm diameter.
  • Injectors for the manufacture of accessories both for pressure and drainage systems
  • Quality laboratory for testing and analysis.
  • Pre-fabrication workshop
  • Automated robotic storage system

Manufacturing process


Ongoing projects

Finished projects


At ABN we are committed to the professional development of our people

If you are interested in working with us, please leave us your details. We look forward to receiving your application.