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Downloads and tools

Descubre herramientas exclusivas y contenidos técnicos que te ayudarán a simplificar tu trabajo
y optimizar tu tiempo en proyectos de construcción sostenible.

Pressure loss

With the online pressure loss calculator you can easily check the pressure loss data produced by the friction of the fluid with the walls of the pipe during its transfer.


  • Select the material
  • Select the series
  • Select the flow


  • The result is displayed in a table.


  • d x s = outside diameter x thickness of the pipe
  • da=  outside diameter of the pipe (mm)
  • s = pipe thickness (mm)
  • di = inside diameter of the pipe (mm) = da-2s
  • in l/s = Flow rate in l/s
  • R in mbar/m = pressure drop mbar/m
  • v in m/s = speed m/s
  • volume m = volume of water per m of pipe

Thermal movement

La principal precaución que debe observarse en el diseño de una conducción de tuberías aérea es la asociada a la posible dilatación longitudinal a causa de las variaciones térmicas. Con la calculadora de dilataciones te ayudamos a realizar estos cálculos de una manera cómoda y sencilla.


  • Select the material
  • Incremento de temperatura (∆T (˚C))
  • Diameter (mm)


  • A table is obtained with the linear thermal expansion data in mm/mºC.

Starting data

  • Incremento temperatura (∆T (˚C))
  • Diameter (mm)


  • Linear expansion coefficient (mm/m˚C)
  • Length per subsection (m)
  • ∆L (mm)
  • LB (mm)
  • LD (mm) by calculation
  • LA (mm) by calculation

BIM Library

At ABN we have a complete BIM library of piping systems for both pressure and drainage ranges.


  • Rich Models: Integration of smart features, various product sizes and variations in a single BIM model.
  • The unions and fittings adapt to dimensional modifications of the pipes.
  • The generated pipe typology contains all the necessary information on its properties, coding, as well as all the fittings and pipe joints.
  • Installation-specific piping systems, saving modeling time.
  • Compatible with multiple formats (RFA, IFC, DXF…).
  • Meets the requirements of the BS8541 and openBIM standards.
  • Incorporates complex models: boiler rooms, bathrooms, etc.
  • Library in constant development and updating.

Planning tables

ABN BIM library includes planning tables to carry out:

  • Measurements
  • Budgets
  • Carbon footprint parameter calculations and sustainability certifications
  • Calculation of facility overloads, for possible structural calculations, or support structures
  • Calculation of the number of clamps as well as the installation distance between them, for the support of the pipes
  • Automated verification of the minimum compliance with slopes in drainage pipes

Automatic routing defined

  • Automatic generation of the connection points between two or several segments that are part of the installation system
  • When loading or copying any of our families in a project, all these families of “pipe union” will be imported automatically in it.

Smart Collector

New smart family in Revit for the collector´s design. Accurate and effective.


  • Accuracy in design: increased reliability and reduced design errors
  • Time optimization: thanks to a simple interface all data is entered exactly
  • 3D visualization: the client can see the final design of the collector in 3D

Product Finder

The ABN product finder makes it easy for you to choose the most suitable system based on the type of installation you want to carry out.

In just 2 simple steps you will obtain the ABN system that best suits your project.


  1. Select the type of construction
  2. Select the type of installation
  3. Get your recommended product and alternative product

Chemical resistance

General information

The information provided in this section are general indications of the chemical resistance of the different materials non subjected to pressure.

The different applications of the materials used are considered, as well as the usual operating conditions, particularly the temperatures and concentrations of the chemical fluid that is in contact with the material.

In the case of mixing different chemical products or to evaluate the behaviour in the presence of internal or external mechanical stresses, it will be necessary to carry out additional tests.

Operating principles

With the chemical resistance tool we provide you with support to find the most suitable material when it comes to the transport of aggressive fluids. In a quick and easy way, following these steps:

  • Select a chemical
  • Select the concentration
  • Select the temperature


The data of the different materials and their resistance will be displayed in a table.

Resistance legend

  • n/s: no data
  • : no recomendado: el material queda seriamente afectado. No debería usarse
  • 0: resistente bajo condiciones: El medio puede atacar parcialmente al material o causar hinchamiento. La vida de servicio queda reducida. Es aconsejable reducir las condiciones de presión y temperatura de trabajo.
  • + Resistente: dentro de los límites aceptables de presión y temperatura el material queda inafectado o insignificantemente afectado.NOTA: la información proporcionada en esta tabla es puramente informativa y no tiene carácter contractual. ABN declina toda responsabilidad por un uso indebido de estos datos.